Collax Server Update 7.2.30 - RegreSSHion and SMB3


RegreSSHion, SMB3, Let’s Encrypt, security and bug fixes

SSH is once again making headlines due to a vulnerability. A possible attack on the service has been described under the attractive name “RegreSSHion”. A proof-of-concept for an attack on a 32-bit system was presented. An attack on a 64-bit system seems rather academic. Nevertheless, we close every known gap, including this one.

Let’s Encrypt could collide with the country lock. We have found a clever solution for this. This is because Let’s Encrypt uses the challenge-response procedure to renew a certificate from servers located around the world. For security reasons, Let’s Encrypt does not specify where they are located. A country block could therefore prevent the certificates from being renewed.

Further information and details can be found in the Release-Notes of each product.