Collax Cloud Storage


Collax off-site-Backups - made and hosted in Freiburg

Collax is expanding its solution portfolio with cloud services that enable off-site backups in German data centers. The cloud solutions offer flexibility, scalability, and optimize business processes.
Made and hosted in Freiburg.

Services provided by Collax cloud solutions:

  • Data security in German data centers in Freiburg
  • Flexibility and scalability for secure data storage and efficient access
  • Optimization of business processes through cloud services

Value Added by Collax Cloud Solutions:

  • Complementing Collax’s on-premise technologies for maximum flexibility and data security
  • Cloud storage as an efficient complement for additional security of on-premise backups

Collax offers various alternatives for off-site backups in its highly secure data center in Freiburg.

You can find more details here!